Tag Archives: beach

I’m home!

20 Aug

I’m home! The fam bought a new house a few months ago, so it doesn’t feel like “home” just yet. My momma refused to send me any pictures and the google (stalker) search didn’t really answer the important questions- how big is the kitchen and which rooms have the best lighting for my makeup? Also, is there a full length mirror? I’m still trying to figure out the light switches- there’s a ton and none of them seem to do what I want. Where are all the outlets? How about the silverware and cereal bowls? Google, you really need to step it up.

I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite parts of going home is the abundance of food. My refrigerator in San Francisco was… ummm… pathetic? Peanut butter, bread, honey, Nutella, apricot jam and eggs. Oh, and maybe a tomato or arugula on days I felt fancy. Dishes have never really been my thing, so sandwiches and eggs were pretty much my go to meal. I was pretty well fed at work. Why buy produce and protein when I can get misfired salmon/ahi/gnocchi at work?  Thank you restaurant biznass.

Anyways, I haven’t had cereal in like, 5 months. Or leftovers. Or a quesadilla. Easy things, but yeah, they don’t sell just one tortilla at the grocery store. My momma’s fridge and I have been best friends for today and today only. After a week off, I’m getting my behind back to the gym.

Oh, and I can’t wait to hang at the beach! And to see my little bro’s opening day for football!

Here’s his cuteness jumping off the waterfall at our family friend’s casa. I love this kid. He’s so cute and sweet and tall and strong! I’m sure you can tell through the blurriness.

Two week hiatus is over!

28 Jun

Okay, so I haven’t blogged in more than a week. Actually, more like two, going on three weeks. Bad blogger! Heres a quick recap…

I’ve been doing things like:

Baking/Filling orders… yessss!

Nutella with white chocolate

English Toffee Cake Bites

S'more Cake Bites

Spinning is a drug and I am addicted! I started a couple of weeks ago and really dislike going more than a day without it. I’ve actually broken plans just so I can make a class. Eeeks!

Concerts at Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa. Now all you stalkers know I’m from Orange County. Great. Anyways, I went twice this month! Once with work friends to see our friend’s amaaazing band, The Steelwells. Click on the link and listen. Now. Click on the picture for more info!

I went a second time and reconnected with an old friend. The band kinda creeped me out, so I’m not going to even mention their name, but the convo was good and the old friend was cute. Like, really cute. Will discuss at another time.

Hung out with cute, old friend the next night. Btw, I am still thinking of a name for this friend. Will decide tomorrow! Can you really think of anything more romantic than having a boy cook for you? Especially when they cook well? Yummm.

Saw Toy Story 3 in Disney 3D. Loved it! Especially the Barbie and Ken scenes!

Museum with same cute boy. Hmmm… Learned about the Silk Road and my favorite, the art of the Pacific Islands. Also realized that every culture is really inspired by/enjoyed creating ummm, phallic symbols.

True Blood. Pure hotness.

Beaching. Tanning. Burning.

Almost finished reading Eat, Pray, Love. I loved this book at first, got kinda bored when she went to India, and wasn’t too excited about the Bali part. But now, LOVE again.

♥ Heather
